For Artists
AFSB is an online tracking system that organizes over 200,000 facts into an easy- to-use, powerful planning tool. With AFSB's critiques you'll be able to target the best shows for your style of work and price range.
- Learn About Our Products: The Art Fair SourceBook provides listings for over 700 art shows and craft fairs, featuring reviews, rating information, and critiques. Access to these listings is offered as online subscriptions.
- Search Event Listings: Subscribers can search and review selective listings and hard-hitting critiques of the best-selling shows. Don't waste time with unprofitable shows or miss application deadlines.
- MyAFSB: Subscribers can create a customized list of art fairs. Track application status and sales and keep general notes. Includes Profit Calculator.
- Artist Event Reports: Contribute to our reviews – file reports about art fairs where you've exhibited.
For Art Fair Organizers
We are dedicated to working with art fair and craft show organizers to help them attract the top professional artists and make their shows the best that they can be by providing suggestions for potential improvements based on extensive feedback from exhibitors.
- Promotional Listings: Promote your event to professional artists who subscribe to the SourceBook's Event Listing, Ratings, and Review Service.
- Email Broadcast Event Weekly: Send calls to entry and deadline alerts via email to our database of some 6,000 artists.
- Update Your Event Listing: Easy online update of all the details about your event that are listed in the Art Fair SourceBook - Organizer Info, Critical Dates, Event Contacts, Event Details, Artist Amenities, Jury Selection, and more. PLUS, view your Event Listing as artists see it in the online SourceBook.
Art Fair SourceBook
Increases Profits & Saves Valuable Planning Time!
What Artists Say About AFSB
"We wish we had subscribed to the SourceBook sooner, it would have saved us from some really bad shows"
- Karen Cooper, 2-d Fine Art, Waco, TX
What Event Organizers Say About AFSB
"Thanks Greg, we've received a huge number of additional applications from doing your "AFSB EVENT WEEKLY" eblast these past weeks."
- Linda Cantrell, Talbot Street Art Fair, Indianapolis