Guide To Abbreviations and Terms

AFSB staff works with Event Organizers throughout the year to obtain the most up-to-date data possible on our top rated shows. We provide a tool on our website for Event Organizers to update all the details of their event online.   As updates are received and reviewed they are immediately made available to our subscribers.



  • START DATE AND DURATION: The date the event begins and the number of days and days of the week the event is held.
  • APPLICATION DEADLINE AND DEADLINE TYPE: The last date applications are accepted.
    • Due - Applications must arrive in their office by this date.
    • Entry Thingy - Applications to be submitted via​ by the Deadline Date
    • JAS - Applications to be submitted via by the Deadline Date
    • Postmark - Applications must be postmarked by the date.
    • Tentative - Tentative or unconfirmed deadline dates.
    • Until Full - Applications screened on an ongoing basis, ending when all spaces have been filled.  The sooner you apply, the more likely you will be accepted.
    • ZAPP - Applications to be submitted via by the Deadline Date
  • ATTENDANCE AND ADMISSION: Total event attendance, usually an estimate given by event organizer. Frequently adjusted for accuracy by the publisher. A paid gate is so indicated, along with the admission charged.
  • EVENT HOURS: Times the day that the exhibitor is required to be present and open for business each day of the event.
  • MyAFSB: If this box is checked, the event is included the subscribers personal list of Events which allows tracking of status of the application process, adding notes and sales data from the event, and email reminder notices (with Platinum or Diamond Deluxe Tools)  Events can be added or deleted from the subscribers MyAFSB list by checking or unchecking this box.
  • ARTIST REVIEWS: Shows how many artist reviews AFSB has received for this event either by online artist event reporting or via mailed in Artist Feedback cards which have been entered into the website database.  Clicking this link also is one way of entering a review for this event.

Critical Dates

  • START DATE: The date the event begins
  • APPS AVAILABLE: The date applications are available.
  • APPLICATION DEADLINE AND DEADLINE TYPE: The last date applications are accepted.
    • Due - Applications must arrive in their office by this date.
    • Entry Thingy - Applications to be submitted via​ by the Deadline Date
    • JAS - Applications to be submitted via by the Deadline Date
    • Postmark - Applications must be postmarked by the date.
    • Tentative - Tentative or unconfirmed deadline dates.
    • Until Full - Applications screened on an ongoing basis, ending when all spaces have been filled.  The sooner you apply, the more likely you will be accepted.
    • ZAPP - Applications to be submitted via by the Deadline Date
  • JURY NOTIFY: The date applicants will be notified regarding their application's status.
  • REFUND DEADLINE: The last date a request for a refund of the booth fee can be submitted.
  • BALANCE DUE:  The date the balance of payment on the booth fee is due.

Organizer Info

  • CONTACT: The Event Organizer's exhibitor's contact.
  • WEBSITE: Event website
  • EMAIL: Artist contact email
  • ORGANIZER: Name of the Event Organizer
  • ADDRESS: Organizer mailing address
  • TYPE: Nature of the Organizing body
  • PHONE #1:  Organizer phone number
  • FAX:  Organizer fax number

Event Location

  • Physical address of the event with a Google Map to the location.

Organizer's Promotional Message

Event Organizers pay an advertising fee to the Art Fair SourceBook to provide their own promotional message about their Event as well as include an image of the show, if desired.

Editor's Opinion & Commentary

All Editorial reviews are based on feedback from artists received from Feedback Cards mailed to me, and online event reports on the AFSB website, and my personal visits to dozens of shows each year. It's a daunting task, involving hundreds of hours of reading and summarizing literally thousands of reports from artists like you.  This process allows me to draw from a vast pool of exhibitors' reports and personal experiences to share with AFSB subscribers valuable insight into today's art fair marketplace.

Exhibitor Selection

  • IMAGES: Total # of images (digital, slides, or prints) of work to send followed by how many images of your display are also required .
  • JURY METHOD: How the jurors review your images
    • One Time Jury - Selection jury meets once, selecting ALL exhibitors in one session (may also select exhibitors for a "wait list")
    • Screened Over Time - Applicants are evaluated as applications come in over weeks/months until sufficient exhibitors are selected to exhibit.
  • JURORS: Number of jurors 
  • JURY TURNOVER:  Percent of jurors that change each year
  • SCORING: Point or other system used by members of the jury to score the artist's work.
  • REPORT: Is a written jury scoring report card returned to artists Yes, No or On Request
  • # APPLICANTS: Total number of applications received in the most recent year.
  • # EXHIBITORS: Total number of exhibitors at event.
  • ODDS OF ACCEPTANCE:  Takes into consideration total applicants for each juried space after deducting spaces allotted to jury exempt exhibitors. Indicates how competitive it is to be juried into this event.  The lower the percentage, the harder it is to be juried into the event.
  • RE-APPLY: Percent of exhibitors from the previous year that typically re-apply each subsequent year.
  • RETURNING: Percentage of exhibitors that returned as exhibitors from the previous year.
  • WAIT LIST:  Is there a Wait List, Yes, No, Unspecified

Financial Section

  • APPLICATION FEE: Application or jury fee.
  • SPACE FEE RANGE: Range of booth space fees.
  • COMMISSION: % commission collected from artists' sales at this event.
  • CASH AWARDS: Cash awards (in thousands of $s).
  • PURCHASE AWARDS: Purchase awards (in thousands of $s).
  • CORP MONEY: Corporate contributions (in thousands of $s).
  • SALES TAX:  Sales tax percentage for the location where the show is held


  • SETTING: Description of where the event is held
  • SETTING TYPE: Indoors, Outdoors, Both, Unspecified
  • SECURITY: Is security provided for exhibitors' work at this event?
    • 24Hour
    • Daytime Only
    • PM Only
    • Limited
    • None
  • SPACE SIZE: Size of booth spaces available.
  • ELECTRIC: Is electrical hook-up provided for artist?
    • Availability Unknown
    • Available Free
    • Available w/Fee
    • By Request Only
    • Limited Availability
    • None Available
  • RESERVED PARKING: The nature of the exhibitor parking available. 
    • Free
    • Free/Not Reserved
    • Free/Reserved
    • Limited
    • Mixed Options
    • Not Reserved
    • Paid
    • Paid/Reserved
    • Yes
    • No
    • Limited
    • Off-site Only​
  • LOAD IN: How do exhibitors get their stuff in to their assigned space during set-up?
    • Adjacent To Space
    • Adjacent and/or Dolly to Space
    • Dolly To Space
  • GENERATORS: Are gasoline/diesel powered generators allowed on-site? 
    • Yes
    • No
    • By Request
    • Restricted
  • PRIOR DAY SET-UP: Is set-up allowed the day before event? 
    • Yes
    • No
    • Limited
    • Required
    • Not Enforced
    • Preferred
    • Rep OK
    • Required
    • Unspecified
    • W/Photo ID
  • REPROS: are offset reproductions permitted to be sold? 
    • Allowed
    • In Bins Only
    • Labeled Only
    • Ltd Editions Only
    • No Stated Policy
    • Not Allowed
    • Restricted
    • Unspecified
  • BUY/SELL:  Is an exhibitor allowed to re-sell items her/she has not made him/herself?
    • Allowed
    • Discouraged
    • Forbidden
    • Restricted
    • No Stated Policy
    • With pre-approval
    • Turn a Blind Eye​
  • WEARABLES: Is wearable fiber accepted in event?
    • OK
    • Limited
    • None
  • BOOTH SITTERS:  Are booth sitters provided by the organizer?
    • Yes
    • No
    • Limited
  • FOOD BOOTHS: Total number of food vendors at event
    • None
    • Scheduled
    • Scheduled & Spontaneous
    • Spontaneous
    • UnSpecified​
  • AMPLIFICATION: Is music amplified anywhere on event grounds?
    • Yes
    • No
    • Limited
    • Soft

Exhibitor's Media

This section shows number of exhibitors by type of media, as reported by the Event Organizer.


  • Fine Arts:  IncludesDrawing/Pastels, Mixed Media 2D, Photography, Painting, Watercolor, Digital Arts, Graphics, Paper, Printmaking Sculpture
  • Contemporary Crafts: Includes Baskets, Decorative Fiber, Jewelry, Metal, Toys, Wood, Clay, Glass, Leather, Mixed Media 3-D, Wearable Fiber
  • Traditional Crafts (i.e.,soap, candles, dried florals, etc.)

Historical Data

Historical sales data are based on Gross Sales submitted by artists via mailed in AFSB Feedback Cards distributed to exhibitors at events and online event reports submitted to the AFSB website and reports submitted personally to Greg Lawler when visiting events.  One year of sales data is provided to subscribers with a Basic Level subscription.  Up to 10 years of sales data is provided to subscribers with the Diamond Level subscription.

  • REPORTS RETURNED:  Percentage of exhibitors who submitted a feedback report to the Art Fair SourceBook
    • FA - Fine Arts
    • FC - Fine Crafts
    • TC - Traditional Crafts
  • AVG. GROSS/AVG. NET Gross average & adjusted net average income for each respondent. NET = GROSS SALES - Space Fee - Jury Fee - Commission% - Typical Per Diem expenses (duration of show in days multiplied by $200/day)
  • PERCENTAGE EA Indicates the balance of a show with regard to fine art, fine contemporary craft, and traditional/country craft
  • RATING: On a scale of 1 to 10, worst to best, an indicator of average gross sales per exhibitor. 
    • RATING of 10 = Average Net Sales $9,000 and above
    • RATING of 9 = Average Net Sales between $6,000-8,999
    • RATING of 8 = Average Net Sales between $3,000-5,999
    • RATING of 7 = Average Net Sales between $2,000-2,999
    • RATING of 6 = Average Net Sales between $1500-1,999
    • RATING of 5 = Average Net Sales between $1,000-1,499
    • RATING of 4 = Average Net Sales between $500-999
    • RATING of 3 = Average Net Sales between $1-499
    • RATING of 2 = Unprofitable show
    • RATING of 1 = Extremely Unprofitable show
  • RETURN: return on investment ...  Indicates how many dollars return the average exhibitor receives for each dollar of direct costs (App fee + Space fee + $200/day).
  • RANKING (out of 600): Indicates how events compared with each other in regard to NET INCOME (gross sales minus fair expenses takes into account how expensive show was to do). #1 is best event  Shows are ranked within Fine Art (FA) and Fine Craft (FC) separately.  Events may have a different ranking in each category or only a ranking in one category or the other or no ranking at all (N/A) if their ranking is not in the top 600 shows in the category.
  • SALES TREND:  As compared with previous year. Up, Down, or N/C (indicating no change) from previous year.

Report Card

Report Card ratings and sales data are based on data submitted by artists via mailed in AFSB Feedback Cards distributed to exhibitors at events and online event reports submitted to the AFSB website and reports submitted personally to Greg Lawler when visiting events

Ratings values:

A = Excellent
B = Good
C = Fair
D = Poor
F = Unacceptable

Ratings appearing on the Detail Event Listing page are the average of the values reported by artists to the Art Fair SourceBook for the following categories:

  • Exhibitor Quality: What was the average quality of the work being shown?

  • Exhibitor Quality Range: Choices for this field are Extremely Narrow, Very Narrow, Narrow, Average, Wide, Very Wide, Extremely Wide

  • Financial Fairness: How fairly exhibitors are treated when it comes to when fees are due, and if they are refundable or not?

  • Patron's Art Savvy: What was level of sophistication of the patrons in terms of artistic tastes?<

  • Demographics: How well-to-do is the the crowd, on average?

  • Buying Energy: How willing was the crowd to pull out their wallets and pull the trigger on a purchase?

  • Advertising: What was the level of advertising and promotion for the event, as it relates to sale of art/craft?

  • Venue Environment:How attractive was the event’s environment for the patrons?

  • Show Layout: How conducive was the layout to distribution of the attendees to ALL parts of the layout?>

  • Organization: How well organized were the people who put the show on?

  • Director Support:  Was the show director on-site, available, and effective at solving any issues that arose?

  • Staff Support: Was the staff well-informed and ready and willing to help exhibitors?

  • Weather:  Was the weather conducive to selling art/craft?

  • Logistical Ease:  How easy/difficult was the show to do?

  • Load In & Out: How easy/difficult was the set-up & break-down to do?<

  • Parking Ease: How nearby and convenient was parking for exhibitors?

  • Artist Amenities: : What was the level of amenities afforded to the exhibitors?

  • Awards Judging: How fairly was the judging for awards conducted?

  • Security: How effective was the security?

  • Patron Exhibitor Ratio:   Estimated attendance divided by number of exhibitors

  • Lowest Gross Sales:  Selected from artist reports

  • Highest Gross Sales:  Selected from artist reports

  • Best Selling Price Range:  Calculated from artist reports